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Observatory: pressure for perfection

Observatory: pressure for perfection

How the pressure for perfection impacts professional development You...
5 min de leitura
Executive search trends: How to evaluate to move forward?

Executive search trends: How to evaluate to move forward?

The complexities of the contemporary world demand a review...
12 min de leitura
Digital presence: are you “looking good” in video calls?

Digital presence: are you “looking good” in video calls?

Guest columnist: Cris Alves   In the post-pandemic, remote...
7 min de leitura
Cultural Spotlight

Cultural Spotlight

Check out our cultural selection focused on learning and...
7 min de leitura
For women to reach the top, companies need to change

For women to reach the top, companies need to change

Gender pay-gaps have been exposed. Women are assuming control...
12 min de leitura
Cultural Spotlight

Cultural Spotlight

Check out our cultural selection focused on learning and...
10 min de leitura
How can art influence your perception of another?

How can art influence your perception of another?

What does art teach us for our professional life?...
7 min de leitura
Art as a path to transformation

Art as a path to transformation

What is it to be? What is your place...
5 min de leitura


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