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Dasein joins international diversity council

Engagement, conflict reduction, innovation, creativity, better results. These are just some of the benefits gained by companies that invest in diversity. AESC, the main global organization representing executive recruitment companies, aware not only of the importance of diversity, but also of the urgency for leaders to put inclusive actions into practice, founded the Latin America Diversity Leadership Council.

Diversity council

The council gathers the main executive search companies from countries such as Chile, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. It aims to establish joint actions that favor the commitment of leaders and companies with diversity.

For Dasein’s CEO, Adriana Prates, being side by side with global leaders thinking about inclusion, equity, and accessibility practices is a great honor:
“We know that the social awareness, the change in mentality, and the cultural transformation necessary for this progress, counts on movements in favour of the daily struggle for human rights and opportunities for all. The invitation is for each of us to understand the scope of our role, our mission, and connect our purpose firmly in this direction, since the individual actions are what make the great transformation processes echo. I am proud and happy for this highly awaited moment.”




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Executive search trends: question, learn and build

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The Other Side of Next Gen: Implications and Opportunities in the Context of an Aging Workforce

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