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Only knowledge transforms

How do we feel and what sensations do we experience when we dive into a story? A recent survey of 1100 people by the Roma Tre University revealed that reading makes us happier and helps us to better face our existence. The scientists also identified that people who read live a happier life and are more optimistic than non-readers. Beyond literature, and its undoubted importance, good content also creates possibilities and has a transformational power, whether it be video narrative, an interview, journalistic material, or our daily posts and tweets.

Producing quality content has always been one of Dasein’s priorities (by the way, this monthly magazine has already been running for more than 10 years). However, over the last few months, during the construction of our new website, the matter gained even greater importance. After all, with such a wide array of good content on offer, how can we provide enriching experiences to our readers? What subjects and language are capable of awakening and renewing values? I believe that the main challenge of this search is not exactly in sharing a story, but the process which one must go through to have something to share.  In order to produce content, it’s necessary to research, develop theories, draw from experience, and check an endless mixture of data and information, which once processed in a determined way, generates what we call knowledge.

This process is very enriching, as once you call into question your beliefs, this drives us to evolve and improve our way of being, acting and doing things. Sharing knowledge opens up a world of possibilities and ensures people take better decisions and improve their products and services. This kind of work is of wide-ranging use, precisely because it’s through knowledge that one achieves transformation, and to be a part of this immense movement is a source of pride for us at Dasein.

The concept of the new site (which will be launched shortly, watch this space!) and our social media presence aim to promote interaction with our public, understand what these people think and how we can evolve and share the trends of our segment, which involves themes such as economics, executive life, job market, leadership, and business management, amongst others.  This content is very important for professionals and executives of different areas, experiences and education, who increasingly think of reaching higher levels of performance and contribution.

This stance revealed itself right at the beginning of our story when we identified the name for our business. In the “Dasein” of the existentialist and humanist philosophers, we sought a strong enough meaning that would justify our intense dedication to what we do. Not only to geographic or even economic growth, but something that would definitively influence people, that would motivate companies and society to focus more on being the best they could be and do. And we realised that the best way to do this would be to share what we know, research what we don’t, and believe that knowledge is an unending source of growth and inclusion.

In demonstrating our way of thinking, our values and beliefs, we also create greater synergy and empathy with the brand, resulting in an environment of mutual development. In the end, this experience generates immeasurable benefits. There’s no better to illustrate it than with a quote from one of the most inspiring symbols of knowledge, Albert Einstein: “The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size”.

*Adriana Prates is the president of Dasein Executive Search and member of the AESC Council of the Americas.




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